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Terms of Use
The following terms of use apply to the Korpus Prava (UAE) and its sub-pages – [https://community.korpusprava.ae/,](https://community.korpusprava.ae/,) hereinafter "Community" or " Korpus Prava (UAE)". The Community is an exchange and information platform. These terms of use regulate the relationship Korpus Prava FZCO of companies which must comply with this Privacy Policy and the visitors and members (hereinafter "user" or "users"), as well as the behavior of the users among themselves. By registering to the Korpus Prava (UAE), users and Korpus Prava FZCO conclude a contract with the following provisions: 1\.      Registration in the Korpus Prava (UAE) and acceptance of the Terms of Use By registering in the Korpus Prava (UAE), you agree to these Terms of Use. The use without agreement to the Terms of Use is not possible. The user contract is concluded for an indefinite period and can be terminated by both parties at any time without notice. The use of the offer by users under the age of 16 is only permitted under the supervision and with the consent of a legal guardian. 2\.      Scope of the Terms of Use a.) The Terms of Use apply to the Community including its sub-pages. b.) The use of the Korpus Prava (UAE) is free of charge. c.) The terms of use apply from the beginning of the respective use. c.) The Korpus Prava FZCO reserves the right to offer its own payable services within the Community, as well as to refer to and link to its own payable services. If this is the case, users will be explicitly informed of the costs and supplementary Terms of Use. 3\.      The scope of services and accessibility of the Korpus Prava (UAE) a.) The Korpus Prava (UAE) serves the users for the exchange over the software HumHub offered by Korpus Prava FZCO . Users should exchange information with others and share the content with a broad and open user base. The services provided by the Community include, among other things, the possibility for registered users to post different contents such as images or texts, to evaluate, comment on or vote on other users' contents. Registered users of the Community also have the opportunity to contact other users and search for content. b.) Korpus Prava FZCO is constantly striving to further develop the Community and adapt it to the requirements of the users. The website, therefore, represents a current state of development. However, users have no claim to the offer remaining unchanged in its content and scope or having certain functionalities. Likewise, there is no claim that the offer is always available and functions error-free. c.) Korpus Prava FZCO reserves the right to no longer make the offer or parts thereof available. If such a case should occur, the rights of the persons concerned with regard to personal data are regulated in the Privacy Policy. 4\.      Third-party offers a.) Korpus Prava FZCO reserves the right to cooperate with third parties. If users use the offers of third parties, Korpus Prava FZCO neither contractual partner nor subcontractor. The terms and conditions of the third party apply. Obligations on the part of Korpus Prava FZCO do not exist in this context. b.) Korpus Prava FZCO does not use any third party analysis and advertising tools in the Community and will not do so in the future. c.) Korpus Prava FZCO does not advertise third parties, for example in the form of advertising banners or overlays, in the community and will not do so in the future. d.) Korpus Prava FZCO does not give e-mail addresses to third parties for advertising purposes, especially not for direct marketing purposes. 5\.      Obligations of the users a.) Users undertake to fill in the information required for registration truthfully. Furthermore, users refrain from giving false information which could harm the personal rights of third parties. b.) Users assure that the contents posted by them, in whatever form, do not infringe the copyright of third parties. The user is responsible for the contents provided by him. Korpus Prava FZCO assumes no responsibility for these. This applies in particular to the possible infringement of copyrights and the correctness of the contents. c.) Users agree not to post any content, in any form whatsoever, to the Korpus Prava (UAE) that violates applicable law and morality. This includes, but is not limited to: · calls for drug abuse · calls for violence · the dissemination of unconstitutional material under German law · the sharing of political content, in particular, party advertising and propaganda · the dissemination of sexual, violent or weapon-glorifying content · spreading spam d.) Users commit to behaving in a friendly and politically correct manner towards other users. This includes, but is not limited to: · not insulting each other · not discriminating each other on the grounds of age, sex, and origin · the omission of discrimination with regard to religious affiliation · to refrain from bullying · to refrain from stalking e.) It is forbidden for users to spread advertising for offers of third parties. f.) Users agree to act in accordance with the purpose of the Korpus Prava (UAE) stated under 3.a.). Religious, political or other discussions that are thematically distant from this purpose are not desired. 6\.      Multiple accounts, e-mail address, and passwords a.) Each user may only register once at a time in the Community. b.) If the user has forgotten his password, he can use the "Forgot password" feature to reset it. This process requires a valid e-mail address. The user is responsible for ensuring that his e-mail address is correct and up to date. Forgotten passwords will not be retrieved by employees of Korpus Prava FZCO . 7\.      Rights of Korpus Prava FZCO a.) In case of violations of these Terms of Use, laws and/or other rules published in the community, the Korpus Prava FZCO may temporarily or permanently block users from using the Community. Korpus Prava FZCO has the right to delete a user account, contributions and functions at any time. b.) Korpus Prava FZCO has the right to modify or remove contributions and provided content if they violate the Terms of Use or applicable laws. Korpus Prava FZCO also reserves the right to evaluate content at its own discretion. 8\.      Granting of rights By creating content in the Community, the user grants Korpus Prava FZCO a simple, temporally and spatially unlimited and free right to use the created contents in the context of the Community. This right of use includes, in particular, the right to display the contents on the websites of the Korpus Prava FZCO worldwide, to reproduce, distribute and transfer them to third parties. This right of use shall remain in force even after termination of the contract of use. By granting these rights, the Korpus Prava FZCO does not adopt the contents of the users in the sense of liability standards. The granting of rights merely serves to facilitate the administration and use of the contents during the operation of the Community and other websites of the Korpus Prava FZCO . 9\.      Termination of the user relationship a.) The Korpus Prava FZCO can exclude the user from using the community at any time without giving reasons. This procedure applies in particular to violations of the Terms of Use. b.) Users can terminate their membership in the Korpus Prava (UAE) at any time through the profile settings. c.) Should a user not be able to delete his account, he can contact an employee of Korpus Prava FZCO . The employees of the Korpus Prava FZCO can be reached at the following e-mail address: [dubai@korpusprava.com](mailto:dubai@korpusprava.com) d.) If a user does not use the services of the community for more than one year, Korpus Prava FZCO reserves the right to delete the user and his personal data without prior notice. 10\.  Limitation of liability a.) The user acknowledges that Korpus Prava FZCO is not liable for content that was not created by it. b.) The Korpus Prava FZCO is liable, with the exception of injury to life, body and health and violation of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations), only for damages that are attributable to intentional or grossly negligent conduct. This also applies to indirect consequential damages such as, in particular, loss of profit. c.) The limitation of liability of these conditions also applies accordingly in favor of the employees and subcontractors of Korpus Prava FZCO. 11\.  Release from liability a.) Should Korpus Prava FZCO have to answer for actions of the user (e.g. use of a copyrighted photo by a user), the user shall indemnify Korpus Prava FZCO of all claims as well as the necessary costs which arise in connection with the defense of claims which third parties have against Korpus Prava FZCO on the basis of an infringement of rights for which the user is responsible. The necessary costs include, in particular, court and legal. b.) The user is also obliged to inform Korpus Prava FZCO truthfully, immediately and completely about the infringement and about all circumstances, which are useful for the defense of the claims from the third party, and to leave necessary materials for this. 12\.  Changes to these Terms of Use a.) The Korpus Prava FZCO is entitled to change the terms of use and the data protection guidelines. The adjustment is only made if there are valid and factual reasons and if it will not disturb the contractual balance between the user and the operator. Such reasons could be, for example, legal and technical changes, experience with user behavior or unintentional gaps in the clauses. Users will be notified of the change by email and/or the next time they visit the website. b.) Users are entitled to object to the changes. In case of contradiction, Korpus Prava FZCO reserves the right to terminate the contract between the user and Korpus Prava FZCO to terminate the existing contractual relationship with immediate effect. 13\.  Data protection Korpus Prava FZCO will comply with the legal provisions of data protection in the currently valid version. User rights in regards to this topic are explained in the Privacy Policy. 14\.  Applicable right The contractual relations between Korpus Prava FZCO and the user, the law of the Republic of Cyprus is applicable, insofar as there are no mandatory regulations to the contrary. 15\.  Severability Clause Should one or more of the provisions of this contract be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The contracting parties are obliged to replace the invalid provision by a valid provision with which the contractually desired result is best achieved.

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